SLE 2024 Schedule

The SLE 2024 extended schedule can be found here

The short schedule can be found here

The SLE 2024 App can be found here.

The SLE2024 Book of Abstracts is available here in four parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.

The map of the building can be found here

Feel free to download SLE2024 poster and share it!

Round Table “Decolonization and linguistics – opportunities and challenges”

The Round Table seeks ways to advance our field in the global era, inspired by decolonial approaches and recognizing the historical base of linguistics as a modern science as well as historical and current inequalities of power within Europe and beyond. Pius Akumbu, Maria Mazzoli and Hanna-Máret Outakoski  will discuss different opportunities and challenges related to decolonization and different forms of decolonial research, how knowledge production in linguistics is localized in different contexts and how it interacts with other knowledge systems and their views on language. Specific questions asked are: What is the role of decolonization for linguistic research? How do we advance our field by adding a decolonial perspective?

We invite SLE Conference Participants to join the Round Table discussion by sending questions or comments to before or during the Round Table.

Plenary speakers

Eva Schultze-Berndt (University of Manchester), President of SLE, Risking a new classification of possibility modals: The role of apprehensives

Brigitte Pakendorf (DRCE, CNRS), The linguistic (pre-)history of Northern Asia

Sandra Auderset (University of Bern), Best PostDoc winner 2023, Towards an integrative typology of tone

Víctor Royo Viñuales (Université de Liège), Best Phd winner 2023, How do syntax, semantics-pragmatics, and prosody interact in clause-combining?

Follow the opening and closing sessions, as well as the presidential address via

The annual members’ meeting can be accessed via

All plenary sessions, including the round table, presentations by best PhD/postdoc 2023 award winners: Sandra Auderset and Víctor Royo Viñuales, the plenary talk by Brigitte Pakendorf, as well as Anna Siewierska Award and André Martinet Award ceremony, can be followed via

To follow the Outreach: Communicating linguistics research: results and prospects session go to