The 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2024) is held at the Main Building of the University of Helsinki overlooking the Senate Square. The campus is in the city center of Helsinki.
The main building can be entered from two sides: Fabianinkatu 33 and Unioninkatu 34. The letter in a room name indicates the side of the building (F or U) and the first number the floor. The F- and U-sides are connected on the 1st and 2nd floor. Registration, plenaries, and posters are on the F-side. Opening and closing sessions are on the U-side. Lunches and coffes are on the F-side and in a roofed inner yard connecting the U and F sides between the two sides, on the 1st floor. For details, please consult the map on the SLE website or the interactive map of the campus next tot he registration desks.
For abstracts and details, please consult SLE schedule and book of abstracts. All changes will be announced on SLE information board, next to the registration desk, and on the website in the tab Schedule.
Oral presentations are allocated 25 minutes. The actual presentation should be 20 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for questions. A further 5 minutes are reserved for room changes.
The poster session will take place on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 August, overlapping with the morning coffee breaks. It will take place in the Lobby (Fabianinkatu-side, 2nd floor).
Prizes are awarded in the categories of
- best presentation by a PhD student,
- best presentation by a Postdoc,
- best poster presentation.
The presentations will be reviewed by the members of the SLE 2024 Programme Committee present at the conference.
Wireless Internet is available in the venue either via Eduroam or a dedicated SLE wifi connection named SLE2024. The password is 57SocietasLE
For receipt of payment please contact our Treasurer at sle.treasurer.uoa@gmail.com or in person. The SLE office will be located in room F3022c (3rd floor, next to room F3020). Certificates of attendance will be sent after SLE 2024, in the last week of August.
The conference will be attended by representatives of Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter Brill, Edinburgh University Press, John Benjamins, Language Science Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge, and the Finno-Ugrian Society. There will also be stands for the Finnish Literature Society and the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland.

WELCOME RECEPTION (included in the registration fee).
The welcome reception will take place on Wednesday, 21 August at 19:00, in the Main Building (Unioninkatu side, 2nd floor).
CITY HALL RECEPTION (included in the registration fee).
The city hall reception will take place on Thursday, 22 August at 19:30 directly after the city walk in the City Hall of Helsinki, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13. To attend, you should have completed an online registration prior to your arrival in Helsinki.
LUNCHES AND COFFEES (included in the registration fee).
Buffet lunches as well as morning and afternoon coffee and snack will be served at three locations: (1) Agora, a roofed inner yard connecting the Unioninkatu and Fabianinkatu sides, 1st floor; 2) Fabianinkatu, 2nd floor; 3) Fabianinkatu, 3rd floor.
For those who wish to grab a snack at the venue, there are cafes in the Main Building (Fabianinkatu side, 1st floor) as well as in Think Corner (Fabianinkatu, opposite to the Main Building entrance). Since the venue is at the city centre, there is also a wide selection of other cafes and restaurants nearby.
The conference dinner will take place on Friday 23rd August at Restaurant Pörssitalo (Fabianinkatu 14). The bar opens at 19:30 and the dinner is served at 20:00.
The dinner is only open to pre-registered participants – please bring your dinner ticket with you. We welcome non-registered participants to join us for a drink and a chat after after the dinner at 22:00. Drinks are served until 23:30 and the venue closes at 0:00.
For any questions and assistance on the spot, please contact the local organisers at sle2024@helsinki.fi or the conference manager Anna Kisiel at sle.cm@kuleuven.be.