
On this page we provide links to sites which are of particular interest to SLE members and linguists in general. It may concern conferences, summer schools, linguistic organizations and others. Please notify us of any activity you know of and that you think should be brought to the attention of the SLE community.

Newsletter 1
Travel grants for advanced students
Organizing the ICL21
Abralin and HiSoN
Crowdfunding for Endangered Languages
The Linguistic Bibliography 2018
Indigenous languages of Russia
Rethinking the 20th International Congress of Linguists

Newsletter 2
Travel grants 
CIPSH Chair: Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity 
WS ‘Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment’ 
Linguistic Bibliography 
Brazilian indigenous languages 
The Evolution of Language 
The Centenary of Euskaltzaindia 
WS ‘Disrupting Digital Monolingualism’ 
Lexicography in (computer) science 

In 2021, The Societas Linguistica Europaea established three awards for outstanding publications: an annual award for the best paper appearing in Folia Linguistica or Folia Linguistica Historica and two book awards to be awarded in alternate years. Each year, then, two awards will be given: one paper award and one book award.

Anna Siewierska Award: for the best Folia or FoLH paper

Frequency: annually

Prize: €1,000


  • 2024: Barbara Schirakowski (2023). The VP in language contact: on creation event lexicalization in Canadian French. Folia Linguistica 57(2): 481–509.
  • 2023: Yunfan Lai (2022). When internal reconstruction goes further: proposing the vowel system of Pre-Khroskyabs through examining bound state apophony. Folia Linguistica Historica 43(1): 213–261.
  • 2022: Ilja A. Seržant (2021). Cyclic changes in verbal person-number indexes are unlikely. Folia Linguistica Historica 42(1): 49–86.

Next award date: 2025. This award does not require an application. All articles published in Folia and FoLH are eligible.

Award Committee: five members, including a chairperson (the member of the EC in charge of awards), the two journal editors (who would be thoroughly familiar with the articles in question) and two more members involved in the journals (e.g., the associate editors, the review editors, or members of the editorial boards). The chairperson will inform the EC about the two additional members who will serve on the committee.

The award concerning the publications of 2025 will be announced at SLE 2025 (Bordeaux).

André Martinet Award: for an outstanding research monograph by a senior scholar which makes a significant contribution to the development of our understanding of language and linguistics.

Frequency: every two years (even years, alternating with the Eugenio Coseriu Award)

Prize: €1,000


  • 2024: Katerina Stathi (2023). Granularity in the verbalization of events and objects: A cross-linguistic study. [Studies in Language Companion Series, 233]. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Appraisal in the first SLE Newsletter 2025. Link to the book.
  • 2022: Fernando Zúñiga and Seppo Kittil (2019). Grammatical Voice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics Series). Appraisal in the August 2022 SLE Newsletter (p.3). Link to the book.

Next application deadline: 28 February 2026. Applications or nominations by colleagues must be sent to, accompanied by an electronic copy of the book, a link to the URL of the publication and its ISBN, and a brief CV (no more than two pages) indicating university affiliation, current position, year of attainment of doctoral degree, main field(s) of research and previous publications. Upon request, hard copies should be provided.


  1. Applicants must have been members of SLE for at least two years prior to application (i.e. at least 2024 and 2025). In the case of co-authored books, at least one author must be a member of SLE for at least two years prior to application.
  2. Books must be first published in 2022, 2023, 2024, or 2025.
  3. Collective edited volumes are excluded from consideration.
  4. Officers of the SLE committees are excluded from receiving awards.


  • Novelty and originality.
  • Depth and breadth of the study, both theoretically and empirically.
  • Relevance for further research in the field.
  • Clarity (arguments are clearly presented; text is comprehensible to a broad audience).

Selection Committee:

After advice from the Scientific Committee, the chairperson makes a proposal with four names to the Executive Committee, who approve or amend the selection. The members in question can be SLE officers or other SLE members invited by the EC/SC to do the selection job.

The five members are appointed for a term of two years, and serve on both book award committees.

Eugenio Coseriu Award: for an outstanding research monograph by a junior scholar which makes a significant contribution to the development of our understanding of language and linguistics.

Frequency: every two years (odd years, alternating with the André Martinet Award)

Prize: €1,000


  • 2023: Laura Becker (2021). Articles in the World’s Languages. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (Linguistische Arbeiten Series). Appraisal in the October 2023 SLE Newsletter (p.5). Link to the book.

Next application deadline: 28 February 2025. Applications must be sent to, accompanied by an electronic copy of the book, a link to the URL of the publication and its ISBN, and a brief CV which must contain their university affiliation, main field(s) of research and previous publications. Upon request, hard copies should be provided.


  1. Applicants can be postdocs, assistant professors, or associate professors, who should have completed their PhD no earlier than eight years before the year of application (for example 2017, for the 2025 application).
  2. Applicants must have been members of SLE for at least two years prior to application.
  3. Books must be first published in 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024.
  4. Collective edited volumes are excluded from consideration.
  5. Officers of the SLE committees are excluded from receiving awards


  • Novelty (says something that is not part of the published literature)
  • Depth and breadth of the study, both theoretically and empirically
  • Relevance for further research in the field
  • Clarity (arguments are clearly presented; text is comprehensible to a broad audience)

Selection Committee (is the same for the two Awards):

After advice from the Scientific Committee, the chairperson makes a proposal with four names to the Executive Committee, who approves or amends the selection. The members in question can be SLE officers or SLE members invited by the EC/SC to do the selection job.

The five members are appointed for a term of two years, and serve on both book award committees.


The SLE offers research grants for early career researchers, PhD students and joint initiatives. Members who want to apply should login to the members’ page, look for the Fill in the Application Form (online) (under “What can I do in the members’ area?”), and click the link.

All types of grants will be evaluated on the following criteria:
– New, original research project
– Wealth and breadth of the study, both theoretically and empirically
– Focus on methodological challenges
– Novel contribution to further research in the field
– Training of PhD students
– Relevance of scientific network

We congratulate the following awardees of the SLE research grants 2025:

PhD students
  • Edward Ntonda (Paris Nanterre University & Ghent University).Project title: Chikunda in time and space: sociolinguistic-historical analysis.
Early career researchers
  • Bernat Bardagil (Ghent University). Project title: Argument marking and subjecthood in Kawaiwete-Kaiabi.
  • Shirly Orr (Tel Aviv University). Project title: The linguistic and extra-linguistic factors shaping the evaluation of truth.
  • Kurt Fassl Erbach (Goethe University Frankfurt). Project title: Plural individuals in gesture semantics.
Joint initiatives
  • Pius Akumbu (CNRS-LLACAN Villejuif), Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (University of Zaragoza) & Lívia Körtvélyessy (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University). Project title: Methods of research into sound symbolism (workshop).

1. Junior researcher/early career researcher research grant
Frequency: annually
Prize: €2,000
Number of grants: 2 per year
Next award date: 15 January 2026
Application deadline: 15 December 2025
Eligible candidates: junior researchers who have completed their doctoral degree within the last six years, SLE members
Grant expenditure: travel for data collection, essential equipment, compensation for participants, materials, literature purchase, etc.
Award Committee: three to five members, including a chairperson (members of the EC and selected members of the Scientific Committee)

Application to be filled out via a form available through the members’ pages.
The document to be uploaded via the form consists of:
– a short CV of the applicant(s) (max. 1 page each, Calibri 11)
– a description of the project (max. 2 pages, Calibri 11)
– motivation letter and a budget proposal (max. 1 page, Calibri 11)

The application will be peer reviewed for scientific merit.

A brief written report on scientific results and finances will need to be submitted upon completion of the grant, before the end of the calendar year.

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2. Doctoral candidate research grant
Frequency: annually
Prize: €2,000
Number of grants: 2 per year
Next award date: 15 January 2026
Application deadline: 15 December 2025
Eligible candidates: doctoral candidates in linguistics, with a dissertation proposal approved by their institution authorities, SLE members
Grant expenditure: travel for data collection, essential equipment, compensation for participants, materials, literature purchase, conference fee and travel, etc.
Award Committee: three to five members, including a chairperson (members of the EC and selected members of the Scientific Committee)

Application to be filled out via a form available through the members’ pages.
The document to be uploaded via the form consists of:
– a short CV of the applicant(s) (max. 1 page each, Calibri 11)
– a description of the project (max. 2 pages, Calibri 11)
– motivation letter and a budget proposal (max. 1 page, Calibri 11)

The application will be peer reviewed for scientific merit.

A brief written report on scientific results and finances will need to be submitted upon completion of the grant, before the end of the calendar year.

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3. Joint initiatives with support of SLE
Frequency: annually
Prize: €2,000
Number of grants: 1 per year
Next award date: 15 January 2026
Application deadline: 15 December 2025
Applicants: SLE members from at least three European countries
Aim: joint thematic workshops
Grant expenditure: travel costs for speaker(s), equipment, catering
Award Committee: three to five members, including a chairperson (members of the EC and selected members of the Scientific Committee)

Application to be filled out via a form available through the members’ pages.
The document to be uploaded via the form consists of:
– a short CV of the applicants (max. 1 page each, Calibri 11)
– a description of the initiative and a link to a website (max. 2 pages, Calibri 11)
– motivation letter and a budget proposal (max. 1 page, Calibri 11)

The application will be peer reviewed for scientific merit.

A brief written report on scientific results and finances will need to be submitted upon completion of the grant, before the end of the calendar year.

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