Awards for publications and for Conference presentations

Publication Awards

Each year, the SLE presents two publications awards: 1) the Anna Siewierska Award for the best paper in Folia Linguistica or Folia Linguistica Historica of the previous year, and 2) either the André Martinet Award for a monograph by a senior scholar, or the Eugenio Coseriu Award for one by a junior scholar (the latter two awards alternate). For more information (including nomination procedures) and winners, click here.

Conference Presentation Awards

At the end of each annual meeting, the SLE awards prizes for the best presentations at the conference. The winners from the most recent conference are listed here.


There are prizes for the following categories:

  1. best oral presentation by a PhD student
  2. best oral presentation by a postdoc
  3. best poster

Applicants can mark the option for each of the award categories in Easychair upon abstract submission.

PhD students should not have completed their PhD before the conference. Postdocs should have completed their PhD not earlier than three years before the year of the conference (for example 2021 for the SLE 2024 conference). All posters will be eligible for the best poster prize.
A nominated paper may be co-authored. Co-authored papers in categories i) and ii) above should be presented at the conference by the nominee, who will also have to be the first author of the paper.

The first prize in each of the three categories is 500 Euros. The winners of the first prizes in the PhD and Postdoc oral presentations categories are also awarded a 20 minutes plenary talk (+5 minutes Q&A) at the next SLE conference. The winners of the 2nd and 3rd prizes will receive a three-year SLE membership.