First Call for Papers


58th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea

26-29 August 2025

University of Bordeaux Montaigne

The Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) and the University of Bordeaux Montaigne are pleased to announce the “58th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2025)”, to be held in Bordeaux, 26-29 August 2025.

SLE meetings provide a forum for high-quality linguistic research from all (sub)domains of linguistics. The upcoming edition of the SLE meeting will also host a round table of experts to discuss topics of special linguistic interest.


Workshops will be organized in 20 minute slots (20 min. presentation, 5 min. discussion, 5 min. room change). Each workshop comprises:

  1. an introductory paper by the convenor(s) or by a keynote speaker, which summarizes previous research, specifies the approach(es) to be taken and sets the scope of the papers to be presented.
  2. minimum of eight papers.
  3. a slot for a final discussion on the topics covered by the papers, methodological issues and questions for future research.

Further details can be discussed with the SLE Conference Manager (

Workshop proposals must contain:

  • five keywords
  • a description of the topic and research questions (between 900 and 1.100 words).
  • a (provisional) list of workshop participants and their provisional abstracts (max. 300 words per abstract)

Workshop convenors are encouraged to announce their proposal on the conference website (please send it to the conference manager and on the LinguistList as a session of SLE 2025 (for detailed instructions how to do this, see below), as well as other fora in the linguistic area of the workshop.

Workshop proposals must be submitted as one file in pdf and be sent to the chair of SLE workshops Karolina Grzech ( and to the Conference Manager (

ATTENTION: The deadline for the submission of workshop proposals is 20 November 2024. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be by 15 December 2024. After a workshop proposal has been accepted, the convenors will be requested to invite all preliminary workshop participants to submit their full abstracts in EasyChair before 15 January 2025. The link for workshop abstract submission will be available in the Third Call for Papers (published by 15 December). Accepted workshop proposals will be published on the conference webpage. Other authors interested in the workshop may submit their papers to the workshop at the conference general call. Finally, all abstracts submitted to the workshop in EasyChair will be reviewed individually by the Scientific Committee and the workshop convenors.


Chair of the local organising committee: Ana Stulic (University of Bordeaux Montaigne),

SLE Conference Manager: Anna Kisiel (KU Leuven),

SLE Treasurer: Nikolaos Lavidas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),

SLE Secretary: Maria Rosenberg (Umeå University),

How to announce a Workshop on the Linguist List:

Go to and select: “Conferences” > “Submit conference info” > fill in the form > submission type: select “conferences” > select “existing conferences” and then “58th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea” > “Add session”. Enter information, fill in the required fields and submit. Linguist List session calls are limited to 3.800 characters (all included).